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A date with roses at three parks
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A date with roses at three parks

A date with roses at three parks

January 01, 2021

A date with roses at three parks

Black lady roses

A date with roses at three parks

Munstead wood roses

A date with roses at three parks

Peche mignon roses

A date with roses at three parks

Patience roses

A date with roses at three parks

A visitor takes photos of roses at Renmin Park in Luohu District. Photos by Sun Yuchen

A date with roses at three parks

A floral installation is on display at Renmin Park.

A date with roses at three parks

A bridge, paper umbrellas and flowers create a poetic scene at Renmin Park.

A date with roses at three parks

Flowers on boats render an idyllic dreamscape at Renmin Park.

A date with roses at three parks

Visitors take photos by the stream at Renmin Park.

A date with roses at three parks

A floral installation is on display at Renmin Park.

A date with roses at three parks

Ornamental paper umbrellas are hung on trees at Renmin Park.