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Q BioMed Announces $7.5M Grant Benefiting its Preclinical Product Development Pipeline
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Q BioMed Announces $7.5M Grant Benefiting its Preclinical Product Development Pipeline

Q BioMed Announces $7.5M Grant Benefiting its Preclinical Product Development Pipeline

November 02, 2019

Q BioMed Inc. (OTCQB: QBIO), a commercial stage biotech company, announced today that its technology partner, Mannin, has received a $7.5M grant from the German state of Saxony. Mannin is a research-stage biotechnology company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of therapeutics for vascular diseases. It was founded in July 2012 and is led by President and CEO, Dr. George Nikopoulos. Q BioMed and Mannin have been partners since 2015.