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Retinoscope and Direct Ophthalmoscope
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Retinoscope and Direct Ophthalmoscope

Retinoscope and Direct Ophthalmoscope

November 23, 2022
photo by ARZTSAMUI / Getty Images

A retinoscope is used to shine light into a patient’s eye for an eye doctor to observe the reflection off the retina. The doctor moves the light back and forth across the pupil.

A retinoscope is especially useful in prescribing corrective lenses for patients who are unable to give oral feedback to the eye doctor. It is also useful for determining how well the eyes work together to see clearly.

A direct ophthalmoscope is a hand-held instrument used for examining the interior structures of the eye, especially the retina. It consists of a mirror that reflects light into the eye and a central hole through which the eye is examined.