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National Vision Grant Program Challenges Optometry Students to Share Post-Pandemic Projections
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National Vision Grant Program Challenges Optometry Students to Share Post-Pandemic Projections

National Vision Grant Program Challenges Optometry Students to Share Post-Pandemic Projections

June 14, 2022

National Vision Holdings, Inc. one of the nation’s largest optical retailers providing quality, affordable eye care, and eyewear, has opened its annual optometry student grant program for entries, marking the program’s sixth consecutive year.

The retailer’s 2020-2021 grant program challenges third- and fourth-year optometry students to share which changes implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic they believe will become a fixture in how optometrists practice and provide healthcare services. Entrants will have a chance to win a $5,000 grant for first place and two runner-up grants of $1,000 each.