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Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?
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Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?

Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?

December 23, 2023
Can a simple eye exam help diagnose autism?
Plots of the association between each assessment and autism spectrum quotient. The regression line (Ordinary least squares) is plotted in black with 95% confidence bands around the regression line in gray. The light dashed line denotes the AQ score threshold reported to reliably separate clinical ASD (Auyeung, et al., 2008). Credit: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10803-023-06035-1

Females are often underdiagnosed with being on the autism spectrum because they often mask their symptoms more successfully than males. The key to understanding why may be in a simple eye exam.