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De Rigo Rem Reminds Parents of “The Kids Promise”
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De Rigo Rem Reminds Parents of “The Kids Promise”

De Rigo Rem Reminds Parents of “The Kids Promise”

October 15, 2023
DeRigo REM The Kids Promise

One of the most common questions from parents purchasing eyewear for their children is “don’t you have anything cheaper?” While families are certainly watching their budgets a bit more closely due to the rising prices of almost everything, experienced parents know that no matter how often you tell a child to take good care of anything, they will treat it like stale toast crust when the next shiny thing or idea that comes along.

That means that new jacket, water bottle, watch, or even eyeglasses will be left on the playground somewhere or stepped on or broken by roughhousing. So why spend a lot of money when their eyeglasses are not something with a long life expectancy? The answer from any optician who has been around is asking the parents a question, “how well do you want your child to see?”