Hooded eyes

What are hooded eyes?
Hooded eyes are a common facial feature that owe their appearance to a small flap of excess skin under each eyebrow. They can also be referred to as “hooded eyelids.”
Like the color of your hair or the presence of attached earlobes, the shape of your eyes is just one of many genetic traits visible on your face. It’s possible to only have one hooded eye, though both eyes usually have the trait.
Parents with hooded eyes are likely to pass the feature on to their children. However, like most genetic traits, it’s not guaranteed. In other words, it’s possible for both of your parents to have hooded eyes while you don’t.
Along with genetics, multiple factors can lead to hooded eyes. Eye rubbing, obesity, sun exposure and sleep apnea are just a few.
Hooded eyes tend to develop, or become more pronounced, as people age. They can cause the eyes to appear tired or droopy, and change the appearance of the face.
Do I have hooded eyes?
Look in the mirror and you’ll probably be able to tell whether you have hooded eyes or not. Open your eyes comfortably; if most (or all) of your upper eyelids are covered by the skin under your brow bones, there’s a good chance you have hooded eyelids.
Another good way to tell if you have hooded eyelids is by your eyelash line. If the skin just below your brow touches your lash line, or comes close to it, you may have hooded eyes.
People with hooded eyes don’t have much, or any, eyelid space. Instead, they have a deep crease.
Hooded vs. non-hooded eyes
The main difference between hooded eyes and non-hooded eyes is the ability to see an eyelid crease.

In a non-hooded eye, you can usually see the eyelid (the skin that covers the eyeball itself), a crease and the remaining space that leads to the eyebrow. Hooded eyes have a deep crease and a little extra skin near the brow area. This makes it so you cannot see much, if any, of the eyelid or the crease.
Hooded eyes may give the appearance of heavy eyelids, which can make the eyes look tired. Oftentimes, people perceive hooded eyes as looking older. Non-hooded eyes may look more lifted and awake.
The description and comparison of hooded eyes vs “normal” eyes can make hooded eyes seem like a negative or unattractive feature. This is simply not true. Hooded eyes, as well as every other eye shape and type, are a natural and beautiful characteristic.