tip manufacture refraction instruments, ophthalmic diagnostic instruments, visual acuity chart, ophthalmic unit, electric table
opti 2021 Announces Safe Business Platform
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opti 2021 Announces Safe Business Platform

opti 2021 Announces Safe Business Platform

August 03, 2022

opti is the first trade fair of the year and one of the first trade fairs within a year: In January 2021, opti – the international trade show for optics & design, will provide the industry with a much-needed momentum after the economic drought caused by the pandemic. In order to ensure the necessary hygiene measures for a safe get-together, the opti organizers are in close contact with Stuttgart Messe and the responsible authorities in the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, so that the specifications and recommendations that are required for the safe organization of trade fairs can be implemented when planning opti 2021. The safety, health, and well-being of all exhibitors, visitors, media representatives, partners, and employees are the first priority and form the base for the successful participation of the trade fair. The hygiene concept of opti 2021, which derives from the current requirements of the “Actions against the spread of the coronavirus of the State of Baden-Württemberg”, valid from 1st of July, 2020, and the “Ordinance of the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Social Affairs for the containment of transmission of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) at trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses”, serves as a reliable guideline for overall planning security.