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opti 2023: return to January, return to Munich
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opti 2023: return to January, return to Munich

opti 2023: return to January, return to Munich

January 06, 2022
opti Munich front entrance

Turbulent times also offer potential in the form of new opportunities in national and international trade fair calendars. And so, after being postponed for coronavirus-related reasons until May (13 to 15 May 2022, Fairground Munich), opti will return to always being held in January and in Munich from next year onwards. From 27 to 29 January 2023, the ophthalmic industry can look forward to starting the year and the new season as usual with the full range of product innovations, specialist knowledge, and keynotes as well as plenty of scope for making personal contacts.

Well-established four hall concept

By holding the trade fair at the end of January 2023, exhibitors and trade visitors are guaranteed the well-established four hall concept (C1 to C4) with two entrances, north and northwest, and familiar routes around the site. The original plan of alternating the location of the event between Munich (in even years) and Stuttgart (in odd years) will no longer apply.

Reliable and lasting in Munich

“opti is the leading ophthalmic event in the German-speaking market and therefore in the most important European market. Stuttgart was the best option of all, we always believed in a strong opti. Nonetheless, we are delighted that from 2023 onwards Munich will once again be the permanent home of the event. Over the past few years, Munich has proven itself an excellent choice for all those involved and we are delighted to bring the trade fair back to Munich for good – especially in these times when everyday life is characterized by change,” said Klaus Plaschka, Managing Director of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH, which organizes the event. opti Exhibition Director Bettina Reiter adds: “In 2023, opti will resume its long-standing tradition of holding the top-selling, trend-setting spot at the start of the year. And in Munich too. The last opti held here in 2020 achieved top marks for the atmosphere as well as organization, contacts, and transactions.”