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Researchers build online glaucoma simulator
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Researchers build online glaucoma simulator

Researchers build online glaucoma simulator

December 30, 2023
Researchers build online glaucoma simulator
(a) VF of a patient with glaucoma over a 7-year follow-up period. (b–e) Simulated VF sequences for the same baseline VF test (the first test in the patient's VF sequence) with different progression rates. The patient data show moderate VF progression with MD linear regression slope of −0.5 dB/y. (b) A simulated stable VF sequence (MD slope of 0 dB/y). (c) A simulated VF sequence with the same progression rate (MD slope of −0.5 dB/y) as the patient's data (notice the similarity between the progression patterns in panels a and c). (d, e) Simulated VF sequences with higher progression rates than that of the patient's data (MD slopes of −1.0 dB/y and −1.5 dB/y, respectively). Credit: Translational Vision Science & Technology (2023). DOI: 10.1167/tvst.12.6.27

Researchers at the University of Toronto have built an online simulator that gives an improved visual representation of the deterioration caused by glaucoma.