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SILMO 2020 Cancelled
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SILMO 2020 Cancelled

SILMO 2020 Cancelled

July 17, 2020

The SILMO Executive Board met with their partner COMEXPOSIUM, and today made the
the decision to cancel the Silmo 2020 Paris event as it was planned to take place at Paris Nord Villepinte.

The French government published an official decree (“Decree n° 2020-860 of 10 July
2020 stipulating the general measures necessary to deal with the Covid-19 epidemic in the territories which have emerged from a state of health emergency”). This decree authorizes, among other things, gatherings of more than 5,000 people in enclosed/covered spaces, without being subject to sanitary measures. However, article 39 of the decree prohibits such gatherings from being held in “exhibition halls.”

It should come as little surprise to most of us, that following the cancelation of both Vision Expo East and West due to the coronavirus and the upsurge in new cases around the world, that SILMO, The giant Paris show, has canceled their 2020 exhibition.