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United Nations General Assembly Commits To Eye Care
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United Nations General Assembly Commits To Eye Care

United Nations General Assembly Commits To Eye Care

April 28, 2024
Daniel Feldman
The United Nations

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted Resolution A/75/L.108 committing the international community to eye care for the 1.1 billion people living with preventable sight loss by 2030.

Sight loss is calculated to cost the global economy $411bn in productivity each year.

The resolution is the first agreement designed to tackle preventable sight loss to be adopted by the United Nations and enshrines eye health as part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The resolution was passed unanimously by all 193 countries of the United Nations. It sets a target for vision for everyone by 2030, with countries set to ensure full access to eye care services for their populations and to make eye health part of their nation’s journey to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.