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Machine learning for cataract classification/grading on ophthalmic imaging modalities: Survey
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Machine learning for cataract classification/grading on ophthalmic imaging modalities: Survey

Machine learning for cataract classification/grading on ophthalmic imaging modalities: Survey

December 31, 2023
Machine learning for cataract classification/grading on ophthalmic imaging modalities: A survey
Overall organization framework of this survey. Credit: Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that approximately 2.2 billion people suffer from visual impairment. Cataracts account for about 33% of visual impairment and are the number one cause of blindness (more than 50%) worldwide. Cataract patients can improve life quality and vision through early intervention and cataract surgery, which are efficient methods to reduce the blindness ratio and cataract-blindness burden for society simultaneously.