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Sphere Lens Flipper
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Sphere Lens Flipper

Sphere Lens Flipper

July 15, 2024

Accommodation Facility Inspection

The sphere lens flipper is composed of a pair of ± 2.00 sphere lens installed on the flip. The adjustment stimulation caused by two lenses of different degrees is converted from 0.50D to 4.50D.

Operation Steps: 

1. Ametropia correction of the tested eye.

2. Select the line of sight mark on the best near vision of the tested eye, or 20 / 30 sight card.

3. The examinee held a myopia label and placed it 40 cm in front of his eyes.

4. Cover the left eye, first place the + 2.00D flipper in front of the right eye. When the visual mark is clear, it is the starting point of the test, then place the -2.00D flipper in front of the eye and start timing. When the visual mark is clear, immediately place the + 2.00D in front of the eye, and then wait for the visual mark to be clear. At this time, the first switching is completed. Repeat the above switching and count the switching times for 1 minute.

5. The left eye accommodation facility and binocular accommodation facility are measured by the same method.

6. Record the test results of accommodation facility. 

Normal Value: 5 ~ 15C / min (both eyes)
